2月8日,京杭大运河杭州义桥码头发生一起油船重大爆炸事故,3人当场死亡,1人重伤,爆炸油船“姜五航148号”基本报废,损失惨重。 这天清晨,义桥码头依然静悄悄。码头职工俞友培像平常一样,早早起床到码头油库巡视了一遍,回到值班室。 6时58分许,“轰”的一声巨响,停泊在该码头的一艘油船突然爆炸。值班室的窗玻璃被爆炸声震
On February 8, a major oil tanker explosion occurred at the Yiqiao Bridge at Hangzhou-Hangzhou Grand Canal. Three people died on the scene and one was severely injured. The oil tanker “Jiang Wu Hang 148” was basically scrapped and suffered heavy losses. In the early morning of this day, Yi Bridge Pier is still quiet. Yu Youpei dock workers as usual, get up early to visit the terminal depot again, back to the duty room. At 6:58 p.m., a loud noise of “boom” suddenly exploded in a tanker moored at the pier. The window pane of the duty room was sonicated by the explosion