MPLS是当前IP与ATM融合较为成功的技术 ,得到各厂家广泛支持 ,并已有相关产品投入应用 ,全军宽带综合业务信息网就是利用MPLS技术作为骨干网络核心技术。但MPLS技术对VPN的支持由于技术复杂而一直不能令人满意 ,各厂家的产品都有其局限性。本文在对VPN与MPLS技术进行介绍后 ,论述了目前较好的MPLSVPN解决方案——MPLSBGPVPN。
MPLS is the current IP and ATM fusion more successful technology, widely supported by various manufacturers, and related products have been put into use, the military broadband integrated service information network is the use of MPLS as the core technology of the backbone network. However, the support of MPLS technology for VPN has been unsatisfactory due to the complicated technology, and the products of various manufacturers have their limitations. After introducing the VPN and MPLS technologies, this paper discusses the current MPLSVPN solution --MPLSBGPVPN.