第二次世界大战之后,美国一跃成为世界的中心。政治稳定、经济强大的社会状况也刺激了美国艺术文化的发展。抽象表现主义(Abstract Expressionism)在这一时期崛起,标志着美国先锋艺术开始在西方画坛引领风骚,也标志着西方艺术世界的中心从巴黎转移到了纽约。二战后西方艺术漫长的风格实验也开端于此,震撼着整个社会,预示着新时代的到来,时至今日仍然影响着人们的艺术创作。因此,研究抽象表现主义对于了解和研究二战后西方艺术以及西方国家的艺术有着重要的意义。
After World War II, the United States became the center of the world. Politically stable and economically viable social conditions have also stimulated the development of American art and culture. The rise of Abstract Expressionism during this period marks the beginning of the pioneering art movement in the United States and the shift of the center of the Western art world from Paris to New York. After the Second World War, the long style experiment of western art also started here, shook the whole society, heralded the advent of a new era, and still affects people’s artistic creation. Therefore, studying abstract expressionism is of great significance for understanding and studying the art of western art and Western countries after World War II.