
来源 :中国盐业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:znzlwzkp
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为贯彻落实国务院印发的《盐业体制改革方案》有关精神,近日,国家发展改革委发出通知,决定自2017年1月1日起,全面放开食盐出厂、批发和零售价格。就社会关心的问题,记者采访了国家发展改革委相关负责人。问:放开食盐价格的背景是什么?答:我国盐资源十分丰富,盐行业多年来产大于销。2015年我国原盐产能11345万吨,消费量为8876万吨,其中食盐消费量仅为1000万吨左右。同时,我国食盐市场供应主体较多,登记注册的盐业生产企业有300家左右,盐业流通企业有4000多家。今年4月,国务院印发《盐业体制改革方案》, In order to implement the spirit of the “Salt Industry Reform Program” issued by the State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission recently issued a circular ordering the release of salt factory, wholesale and retail prices from January 1, 2017 onwards. On the issue of social concern, the reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the National Development and Reform Commission. Q: What is the background of liberalizing salt prices? A: Salt resources in China are very rich. The salt industry has produced more than the sales over the years. In 2015, China’s crude salt production capacity was 113.45 million tons, with a consumption of 88.76 million tons, of which salt consumption was only about 10 million tons. In the meantime, there are more suppliers in salt market in our country. There are about 300 registered salt production enterprises and more than 4,000 salt circulation enterprises. In April this year, the State Council issued the “Salt Industry Reform Program”
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