Christy Lewis是一位屡获大奖的新西兰艺术家。擅长和痂迷于精致的面部及身体彩绘。她将艺术灵感发挥到了宝宝身上。她用孩子的脸作为画布进行创作,将小家伙们变成动物、僵尸等各种角色。她的孩子——7岁的凯拉和5岁的麦蒂必须坐两个多小时好让妈妈把他们打扮成老虎或者蜜蜂。这位充满热情的艺术家希望能把这些满载微笑和童真的“画脸”分享到世界各地。
Christy Lewis is an award-winning New Zealand artist. Good at and crust addicted to exquisite face and body painting. She has artistic inspiration to the baby body. She uses her child’s face as a canvas for writing, turning the little guys into animals, zombies and other characters. Her children, seven-year-old Keira and five-year-old Tracy McGrady must sit for more than two hours so that mum can dress them as tigers or bees. This passionate artist hopes to share these smiling and childlike “painted faces” all over the world.