一个数将分子与分母的位置颠倒后所得的数与原数互为倒数。两个互为倒数的数之间有着密切的联系,这为我们解某些分式型问题开拓了一条思路,现举例如下。例1 比较111/1111和1111/11111的大小。(北京市第二届“迎春杯”竞赛试题) 分析这两个数直接比较大小是困难的,我们可先比较它们
A number reverses the position of the numerator and denominator and the resulting number is inverse to the original number. There are close connections between the two reciprocal numbers. This opens up a way for us to solve some fractional problems. Example 1 compares the sizes of 111/1111 and 1111/11111. (Beijing’s second “Spring Cup” contest questions) It is difficult to analyze these two numbers directly and compare them. We can compare them first.