9月3日上午,福清市委、市政府隆重举行程序纪念文集《风范永存》首发式。 一年前,原福建省委书记、省人大主任程序在关心下一代工作岗位上逝世了。为了表达对这位德高望重、风范照人的革命老前辈的缅怀、追思和敬仰之情,福清市委、市政府编辑出版了这本《风范永存》——程序同志逝世一周年纪念文集。《风范永存》全书共21万字。收录有程序战友、同事、亲属等撰写的49篇纪念回忆文章,还收录了中央
On the morning of September 3, the Fuqing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government held a grand ceremony of commemorating the proceedings of “Demeanor Forever”. A year ago, the former Fujian Provincial Party Committee Secretary and Provincial People’s Congress Director program concerned about the death of the next generation of jobs. In order to express the memory, memory and admiration of this highly respected and exemplary revolutionary old man, Fuqing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government edited and published this essay entitled “Forever Demonstration” - the first anniversary of the death of a program comrade. “Demeanor forever,” the book a total of 21 words. Included in the program comrades, colleagues, relatives, wrote 49 memorial memorabilia articles, also included the Central