由于血友病有效替代治疗方案部分导致抑制物的产生,抗体清除是抑制物治疗的终极目标。免疫耐受诱导(immune tolerance inductino,ITI)是唯一经临床验证的可以对FⅧ或FⅨ达到抗原特异性耐受的治疗策略。ITI治疗最早报道于30多年前,目前开展的前瞻性随机ITI试验是来解答目前血友病A治疗方案的突出的未解决的问题。然而,与血友病A相比,血友病B的抑制物发生率低(1.5%~3%),因
Antibody clearance is the ultimate goal of inhibitor therapy because part of the effective alternative to hemophilia leads to the production of inhibitors. Immune tolerance inducement (ITI) is the only clinically proven therapeutic strategy for achieving antigen-specific tolerance to FⅧ or FⅨ. The earliest reported ITI treatment More than 30 years ago, prospective, randomized, prospective randomized ITI trials were a prominent outstanding solution to the current Hemophilia A regimen. However, the incidence of hemophilia B inhibitors is low (1.5% -3%) compared to hemophilia A due to