刺槐(Robinia pseudo——acacia L.)是豆科阔叶落叶树种。根系发达,耐瘠薄、耐干旱,适生于山地、平原和沙地,它生长迅速,萌发力强,作为薪炭林可以通过平茬,一次造林,多次采薪。其薪材易燃烧,且热值高。在缺乏烧柴的地区营造刺槐薪炭林,效益非常显著。刺槐作为薪炭林,平茬高度不同,对更新生长的影响也不同,本文以生物量为指标,就不同的平茬高度,萌蘖更新后生长情况进行探讨。
Robinia pseudoacacia L. is a legume broadleaf deciduous tree species. Developed root system, resistance to infertility, drought-resistant, suitable for living in the mountains, plains and sand, it grows rapidly, strong germination, as a fuelwood can be stubble, a reforestation, multiple pay. Its fuelwood is flammable and has a high calorific value. In the lack of wood burning areas to create Robinia rubra forest, the effectiveness is very significant. Robinia pseudoacacia as fuelwood forest, stubble height is different, the impact on renewal growth is also different. In this paper, biomass as an indicator, on different stubble height, sprout after tillering growth to explore.