电缆斜坡长蠹Xylopsocus capucinus(Fabri-cius)属鞘翅目长蠹科,在我国南方的广东、广西、福建、四川都有发生。据调查,广东海南岛有一条电缆因虫害严重而整条更换,广西北海市珠海路40多米的电缆就有虫孔近40个,广西梧州市东正路150米的电缆就有虫孔40多个。邮电部门反映,因电缆斜坡长蠹蛀孔,雨水和潮气进入虫孔,引起短路和串音,给通信事业带来巨大损失。因此,我们对它的生活习性进行了研究,现整理如下,供有关部门参考。
Xylopsocus capucinus (Fabri-cius) is a species of Coleoptera, which occurs in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian and Sichuan in southern China. According to the survey, there is a cable in Hainan Island, Guangdong, due to severe pest and the entire replacement of Zhuhai Road, Beihai, Guangxi, more than 40 meters of the wormhole hole has nearly 40, 150 meters east of Wuzhou City, Guangxi cable has wormhole more than 40 . Posts and telecommunications departments, due to cable beetles moss hole slope, rain and moisture into the wormhole, causing short circuit and crosstalk, to the cause of huge losses communications. Therefore, we conducted a study on its living habits and are now organized as follows for reference by relevant departments.