Unusual Spherulitic Morphology of Poly(propylene fumarate)

来源 :高分子科学(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianyou424
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Spherulites are the most common crystalline morphology and thus the visual expression of crystal structures for polymers.The diversified patterns have provided intuitive morphology probes for various crystallization behaviors,while the correlations between them are still needed to be enriched.In this work,the complicated spherulitic morphology of poly(propylene fumarate) (PPF),which is sensitive to crystallization temperature,is investigated.PPF melt,respectively,crystallizes into rough spherulites,regularly banded spherulites,and spherulites containing both two kinds of morphology at low,high,and mediate temperatures.By systematically assaying,it is clear that the growth axis along the radial direction changes from a-axis to b-axis as the crystallization temperature increases,which leads to the formation of unique crystallization-temperature-dependent spherulites.Based on detailed characterization of Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,the packing state of the specific hydrogen bonds of “C=C-H…O=C-C=C” in PPF crystal lattices is determined,and furthermore,the mechanism for temperature-dependent selection of growth axes for PPF spherulites in melt is reasonably speculated.
【摘要】运用FLAC3D软件对土体破坏问题进行数值模拟,验证FLAD3D能较好地模拟地质材料在达到强度极限或屈服极限时发生的破坏或塑性流动的力学行为,特别适用于分析渐进破坏和失稳以及模拟大变形。  【关键词】flac3d;土体破坏问题;数值模拟  0.引言  FLAC是由美国Itasca Consulting Group开发的岩土力学有限差分计算程序,它的内置本构模型结构单元非常适合于岩土体及支护
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