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现代经济的发展,需要对企业进行现代化的管理。现代化管理把企业的经营方针作为经营管理的关键,把企业的经营决策看作管理的核心。而经营方针和决策与信息是否正确、迅速密不可分,它关系到企业的生存和发展。信息与决策贯穿于企业全局性的管理活动中。如何使企业在激烈竞争的社会主义市场经济中立于不败之地,又能及时把握决策的准 The development of modern economy requires the modern management of enterprises. The modern management of the company’s operating principles as the key to business management, business management decisions as the core of management. The operating principles and decision-making and information is correct, quickly linked, it relates to the survival and development of enterprises. Information and decision-making throughout the enterprise management activities. How to make the enterprises invincible in the fiercely competitive socialist market economy and how to make timely decisions
强化复合地板的名牌不少,广告宣传也大同小异。面对各个争相标榜天然绿色、强化耐磨的产品,选择什么样的强化复合木地板,对消费者来说是个大问题。  用肉眼观察强化复合地板表面是否有鼓泡、裂缝,颜色均不均匀,基材是否平整、紧实,同时用鼻子闻闻板材是否有刺鼻的味道,是最简单可行的方法。  但在大型卖场中,能直接分辨出上述情况的强化地板却是少之又少。归根结底在于强化地板是个低门槛的行业。企业尤其是大企业,想要