今年40岁的李旭峰从19岁起就与税务事业结下了不解之缘。20多年过去了,他仍然情有独钟。事业兴衰,关键在人。李旭峰按照“建一流队伍,创一流业绩,做一流奉献”的目标,着力于局班子的自身建设。并通过加大基层与机关、基层与基层之间的干部交流力度和公平竞争,先后使11名同志走上了副科级领导岗位,对 51名同志进行了岗位交流,真正建立起了能者上,庸者下的管理机制,激活了人气,凝聚了人心,形成了心齐气顺、奋发有为的管理层,为地税工作的顺利开展奠定了基础。
40-year-old Li Xufeng, aged 19, has been struggling with the tax industry. More than 20 years later, he still enjoys a soft spot. The rise and fall of business, the key is in people. Li Xufeng in accordance with the “build first-class team, a first-class performance, first-class dedication,” the goal, focus on the team’s own building. And by increasing the exchange of cadres and grass-roots level between the grass-roots level and the efforts and fair competition, has led 11 comrades embarked on the post of deputy section-level leadership, 51 comrades conducted a job exchange, and really built a capable , The management mechanism under the Yongzhu activates popularity and unite people’s hearts and forms a well-managed and energetic management team, laying the foundation for the smooth implementation of the local taxation work.