
来源 :有色金属科学与工程 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaomay2
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以炉渣基复合胶凝材料为主要原料,研究不同激发剂对SCM-Ⅰ型胶凝材料的激发效果并通过XRD与SEM分析,从微观结构与水化产物的角度探讨不同激发剂对SCM-Ⅰ型胶凝材料强度的影响.结果表明:碱激发剂中氢氧化钠与氢氧化钙均具有一定的激发效果,添加氢氧化钙比未添加激发剂的28 d抗压强度提高了34.77%,而硅酸钠对强度的提高起到了抑制作用,在其掺量为0.75%时,抗压强度下降了45.15%,添加0.50%硫酸钠的28 d抗压强度提高7.90%,激发效果并不明显.氯盐激发剂中,添加1.00%的氯化钙与氯化钠,分别比未添加激发剂的28 d抗压强度提高了68.08%与5.62%.添加氯化钙后促水化反应的进一步进行,并生成大量的钙矾石;添加硅酸钠后抑制了C-S-H凝胶的生成,降低了胶凝材料的强度. Using slag-based composite cementitious materials as the main raw materials, the excitation effect of different activators on SCM-Ⅰ cementitious materials was studied and the effects of different activators on SCM-Ⅰ were discussed from the microstructure and hydration products by XRD and SEM. The results show that both sodium hydroxide and calcium hydroxide in alkali activator have certain exciting effect, and the compressive strength of calcium hydroxide added 34% higher than that without adding 28% Sodium silicate inhibited the enhancement of strength. When the dosage was 0.75%, the compressive strength decreased by 45.15%. The compressive strength increased by 7.90% after adding 0.50% sodium sulfate for 28 days, and the excitation effect was not obvious. Among the chloride salt stimulants, the addition of 1.00% calcium chloride and sodium chloride increased the compressive strength by 68.08% and 5.62%, respectively, over 28 days without the addition of the stimulant. The further hydration reaction with calcium chloride added , And produced a large amount of ettringite. The addition of sodium silicate inhibited the formation of CSH gel and decreased the strength of the cementitious material.
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为建立基于重组外膜蛋白A的检测禽源多杀性巴氏杆菌抗体的间接ELISA方法,扩增去除信号肽的外膜蛋白A(outer membrane protein A,OmpA)基因,定向克隆到载体pET32a,构建重组表
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