著名诗人、翻译家、南亚文化研究家、印度梵文专家金克不教授,近年来时常以他轻灵隽永的笔触,在报刊杂志上发表文章,每有骇世惊俗的独到见解。这位年逾古稀的老人,身居斗室,终日与书报为伍,广采博览,思想极为活跃,谈锋尤健,对青年一代更是关怀备至。你若登门求教,他便不惜放下手头工作,与你竟日长谈,使你如闻天籁,记不胜记(他不让录音),满载而归。对于各方约稿,他也竭力予以满足,而且涉笔成趣,说理透彻,很能吸引青年读者。 他虽已年逾古稀,却童心未泯,追求“新潮”,为人为文,不落俗套,连回忆录也写得与众不同。最
Famous poet, translator, South Asian cultural researcher, Professor Kinki, a Sanskrit expert in India, has often published articles in newspapers and magazines in recent years with his light and time-honored strokes. The elderly over 70 years old, living in a dwelling room, all day long with the books and magazines, extensive mining Expo, the idea is extremely active, talked about front Jian, on the younger generation is even more caring. If you go to the door and ask for advice, he will not hesitate to let go of your work and talk with you for a long time so that if you hear the sounds of nature, you will remember that he will not forget to record it. He also endeavored to satisfy all the drafts by all parties, and he was very interested in attracting young readers because he had a thorough understanding of the topics involved. Although he is old and seventy, but innocence, the pursuit of “trendy” man-made, unconventional, even the memoirs are also written distinctive. most