株两优15系湖南省贺家山原种场用株1S与自选的优质恢复系H98-15配组育成的籼型两系杂交早稻早熟组合,2007年通过湖南省农作物品种审定委员会审定(审定编号为湘审稻2007015)。2008年参加桂中北稻作区早稻早熟组引种试验,2010年通过广西壮族自治区农作物品种审定委员会认定。认定两年来,在桂林市全州、灌阳、临桂、永福和灵川等县的35个乡镇已累计示范推广面积达到2 960hm2;在大面积示范推广的同时,于2011年早造在中北部县的不同生态区域设置4个试点,与熟期相近的早造组合进行了品种比较试验,多点试验与大面积示范一致表现,产量较高,生育期适宜,抗病性较
ZhuLiangYou 15 is the early-maturing combination of indica two-line early hybrid rice which was bred in HeJi shanYuan original seedling market 1S in Hunan province and high-quality restorer line H98-15. In 2007, it was approved by Hunan Province Crop Variety Approval Committee (Validation No. Xiang trial rice 2007015). In 2008, we participated in the introduction trial of early rice early maturing group in Guangxi-northern China rice paddy area. In 2010, we passed the examination of Crop Variety Approval Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. In the past two years, it has accumulated a total of 2960hm2 of demonstration and popularization areas in 35 towns and villages in Quanzhou, Guanyang, Lingui, Yongfu and Lingchuan counties in Guilin. During the large-scale demonstration and popularization, it was built as early as 2011 Four pilot projects were set up in different ecological regions of North County. Compared with the early-stage combination with similar maturity stage, the varieties were tested comparatively. The multi-point experiments showed consistent performance with the large area demonstration. The yield was higher, the growth period was suitable, and the disease resistance