色彩是绘画的重要元素之一,每一幅优秀作品的色彩必然表露作者的情感,且获得观者的心灵共鸣。作为西方绘画的油画,色彩更是他的灵魂。塞尚(Paul Cezanne,1893—1909)谈色彩时讲到丁多列托(Jacopo Tintoretto,1518—1594)的绘画,“他用色彩说话,物象走进他的心灵,没有线描,完全在色彩里”。色彩本身是最具艺术表现力和艺术感染力的,一
Color is one of the most important elements in painting. The color of every outstanding piece of work necessarily reveals the author’s emotions and resonates with the audience’s soul. As a painting of the West, color is his soul. Paul Cezanne (1893-1909) talked about the painting of Jacopo Tintoretto (1518-1594), “When he speaks in color, an image goes into his heart without drawing, Color ”. Color itself is the most artistic expression and artistic appeal, one