Movie Subtitle Translation Based on Catford’s Translation Shifts Theory

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  【关键词】翻译转换理论 字幕翻译 卡特福德
  1. Introduction
  Subtitle translation of foreign movies has been a hot field for scholars. Nevertheless, a few people study the application of Catford’s Translation Shifts theory in movies’ subtitles. This paper analyzes the importance and practicability of Catford’s Translation Shifts theory in the movie SPOTLIGHT subtitle translation.
  2. Theoretical Framework
  Influenced by Halliday and J·R· Firth, Catford explains “Translation Shifts” as a phenomenon of linguistic form changing in translation process(Lei Mu, 1989: 42). As to the term “Shift”, Catford (1965: 73) means the departures form correspondence in the process of going from SL to TL. Also, he categorizes the “Shifts” as two types- Level Shifts and Category Shifts.
  2.1 Level Shifts
  Catford (1965: 73) thinks that “Level Shifts” refers to the equivalent units of target language on different language levels. He mentions that the source text cannot be replaced by complete equivalent of the target language, and in translation.
  2.2 Category Shifts
  Category Shifts include “rank-bound translation” and “unbounded translation”. The “rank-bound translation” refers to the equivalences in some special cases which are deliberately limited to ranks below the sentences. While the “unbounded translation” means that the translation equivalences can occur in any ranks of language. (Catford, J. C, 1965: 76). There are four types in Category Shifts: Structure shifts, Class shifts, Units shifts, and Intra-system shifts.
  3. Application of Translation Shift Theory in “SPOTLIGHT”
  This chapter tries to analyze the application of Catford’s Shift Theory by giving some examples in the translation of movie “SPOTLIGHT”.
  3.1 Introduction of “SPOTLIGHT”
  Produced by the American company Anonymous Content, the movie “SPOTLIGHT” adapted from a report in the Boston Globe that a clergyman in the United States took advantage of his status to sexually molested children. SPOTLIGHT has been nominated six times at the 88th Oscar awards and wins two of them for the Best Picture and the Best Original Screenplay in 2016.
  3.2 Use of Level Shifts
  In English, the tense, aspect of verbs and nouns’ singular or plural forms will change with marked signs in different situations. However, it is impossible to translate them completely because there is no such equivalent grammar signs in Chinese. Thus, in order to translate these changes clearly and exactly, Level shifts occur.   3.3 Use of Category Shifts
  According to Catford (1965: 76), Category shifts are departures from formal correspondence in translation, which contains four kinds: Structure shifts, Class shifts, Unit shifts (rank changes), and Intra-system shifts.
  3.3.1 Structure Shifts
  Structure shifts can happen in all ranks of language. As for English to Chinese translation, there are three main typical shifts that are between active voice and passive voice, between positive and negative, between personal subject and impersonal subject.
  3.3.2 Class Shifts
  Class shifts are actually entailed in the Structure shifts which means shifting the words’ part of speech to another.
  3.3.3 Unit Shifts
  Unit shifts, or rank shifts, refer to “departure from formal correspondence at one rank in the SL but it is a unit at a different rank in the TL” (Catford, J. C, 1965: 79).
  3.3.4 Intra-system Shifts
  Intra-system means there is no equivalent term of the target language that can correspond to the article of the source language but they do have the approximate constitution in their language systems (Catford, J. C, 1965: 79).
  4. Conclusion
  From the above, it is not difficult to see that Catford’s “Translation Shift Theory” is widely used in the subtitle translation of the movie. It is really helpful and meaningful to use his theory to the movie subtitles translation practice.
  [1]Catford J.C.A Linguistic Theory of Translation[M].Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1965.
【摘要】本文主要通过介绍外语课堂教学中基本的IRF模式以及对它的评析,从教师引发和教师反馈两个角度提出突破它应采取的教学策略。  【关键词】IRF模式;外语教学;教学策略  【作者简介】靳肖蕾(1993.2.16-),女,汉族,山西忻州代县人,辽宁师范大学外国语学院2017级研究生,研究方向:学科(教学)英语。  一、引言  在外语教学界,IRF模式备受关注。IRF模式被认为是外语教学课堂上普遍互
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【摘要】当前教学不仅关注学生基础知识,更以实现教学的三维目标即知识与技能、过程与方法、情感与价值观等为目标。为了让学生获得全面的学习体验,实现三维教学目标,教师引入了导学案这一教学材料。初中英语教学从学生的英语基础知识入手,通过运用导学案,教师让学生了解学习目标、重难点,以增强学生注意力与积极性,提高英语教学效率。  【关键词】初中英语;导学案;设计与应用  【作者简介】晋素芳,山西省长治市火炬中
【摘要】在小学阅读英语教学中,学生阅读水平和需求都存在着较大的差异,这些差异在不同程度上影响着教学的效果。作业是教学工作中的一个重要环节,为了提高小学英语阅读教学中作业的实效性,教师应该充分重分层作业的设计,不断提高英语教学的效率。本文简述了小学英语阅读教学中实施分层教学的重要作用,并着重就小学英语阅读教学中分层作业的设计提出了一系列的策略,旨在为加强小学英语阅读教学提供理论参考。  【关键词】小
【摘要】合作学习这一模式已被《英语新课程标准》列为内容模式之一,主要是将传统的学生单一学习的方法转化为合作学习,更加强调学生的自主性和主动获取知识的积极性。合作学习不仅是教学改革的一个重要历程,也是新课程所倡导的新型教育学习模式之一。  【关键词】合作模式;教学环节;初中英语  【作者简介】王鑫,南京师范大学附属中学宿迁分校。  引言  合作学习要做到把枯燥的英语学习和情感结合起来,极大程度的做到
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【摘要】分层教学是一种新型教学模式,它主要是根据学生的个性差异和能力的差异进行分层教学,通过不同层次的教学方式实现教学目标。分层教学在中专英语教学中有很重要的作用,中专学生的能力水平比较参差不齐,分层教学可以很好地改善这个问题,对中专英语教学提供了条件和保障。分层教学根据中专英语教学实际情况进行分层次处理教学,充分激发学生对英语学习的积极性,从而提高每一位学生的学习英语的质量和效果。  【关键词】
通过近几年新教材的教学,笔者认为学生确实在听、说能力有了明显提高,在词汇量的积累方面也有了长足的进步。然而制约学生能力提升的很重要的因素之一就是英语单词难记易忘,难以形成词汇积累。尤其在写作方面,经常是错误百出,词不达意,其中最多的就是词汇使用错误。英国语言学家威尔金斯曾经说过:“没有语法,人们表达的事物寥寥无几,而没有词汇,人们则无法表达任何事物。(Without grammar very li
【摘要】高中英语完形填空具有一定难度,且在解答过程中困难较多,往往对不擅长该题型的考生造成了一定的答题心理障碍。本文将分析高中英语完形填空的常见错误,并提出解决对策。阐述完形填空的新要求、新特点,以及完型填空中隐藏的规律。希望能帮助同学们建立自信,打败恐惧的内心,提高英语分数。  【关键词】完形填空;高中英语;常见错误;英语知识  【作者简介】沈雅涵,长沙市实验中学。  前言  完形填空主要考察英