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一、校企合作的重要性校企合作,是学校与企业建立的一种合作模式。当前社会竞争激烈,技工院校等职业教育院校为谋求自身发展,抓好教育质量,采取与企业合作的方式,有针对性地为企业培养人才,注重人才的实用性与实效性。校企合作是一种注重培养质量,注重在校学习与企业实践,注重学校与企业资源、信息共享的“双赢”模式。校企合作做到了应社会所需,与市场接轨,与企业合作,实践与理论相结合的全新理念。校企合作是职业教育发展的方向和出路,是高技能人才培养与输送的主要 First, the importance of school-enterprise cooperation School-enterprise cooperation is a model of cooperation between schools and enterprises. At present, there are fierce competitions in the society. Vocational education institutions such as technical colleges and vocational schools, in order to seek their own development, do a good job in education quality, adopt ways of cooperation with enterprises, and aim at cultivating talents for enterprises and paying attention to practicality and effectiveness of talents. School-enterprise cooperation is a “win-win” mode that focuses on training quality, focusing on school-based learning and business practice, focusing on school and enterprise resources and information sharing. School-enterprise cooperation has been done to meet the needs of society, with the market, and business cooperation, practice and theory of a new concept. The cooperation between school and enterprise is the direction and way out of the development of vocational education. It is the main training and delivery of highly skilled personnel
Objectives. Optimal cancer symptom management requires effective patient-health care provider (HCP) communication. The goals of this study were to 1) describe s
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