由于夏菜育苗期长,且多在寒冷季节育苗,管理稍有疏忽,易造成肥害、药害、气害、水害、冻害等五害。因此,在苗床上要加强管理,防止发生“五害”,应如何预防“五害”的发生呢?现分别简述如下,谨供菜农参考。 1、肥害由于冬季温度低,菜苗长得慢,处于相对静止期,基本不生长,根系的吸收能力也很弱。因此,不可拔苗助长,施用浓度高的人粪尿等肥料,否则易使根系产
Due to the summer nursery seedling period, and more nursery seedlings in the cold season, the management of a little negligence, easy to cause fat, pesticide damage, gas damage, water damage, frost damage and other five pests. Therefore, we should strengthen management on the seedbed and prevent “five evils” from happening. How should we prevent the occurrence of “five evils?” 1, fertilizer damage due to the low winter temperatures, shoots grow slowly, in a relatively quiescent period, the basic growth, the absorption capacity of the root system is also very weak. Therefore, can not be detrimental to growth, the use of high concentrations of manure and other fertilizers, or easy to root production