
来源 :中国校外教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gyl722
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本刊讯:近日,各地中小学陆续放假,教育部副部长刘利民就做好暑期工作提出要求和希望。各地教育部门和中小学要精心做好暑期安排,因地制宜,积极组织研学旅行、红色旅游,开展好蒲公英行动计划,组织乡村学生看县城、走进科学世界、品味经典阅读、寻访红色足迹等系列活动。免费开放学校文体设施和各类未成年人校外活动场所,丰富活动内容,满足学生多样化需求。希望广大家长特别注意孩子生命安全。近期,学生溺水事故进入易发多发期,各地陆续发生了数起严重溺水事故,我们深感痛心。广大家长务必增强监护意识,切实承担看护责任,坚持生命第一理念,加强对孩子的安全教育和管理,坚决防止溺水和交通 Ben Kanxun: Recently, various local primary and middle schools gradually went on holiday. Liu Limin, Vice Minister of Education, put forward requests and hopes for making summer work. Local education departments and primary and secondary schools should make meticulous arrangements for the summer and actively organize research trip, red tourism, carry out a good dandelion action plan, organize rural students to see the county, into the scientific world, taste the classic reading, find the red footprints and other activities . Free school sports facilities and various types of minors off-campus activities, enrich the activities to meet the diverse needs of students. Hope that the majority of parents pay special attention to children’s lives and safety. Recently, we have been deeply saddened by the occurrence of multiple drowning accidents among students who have experienced drowning accidents in multiple periods. The majority of parents must strengthen the awareness of guardianship, earnestly assume the responsibility of care, adhere to the concept of the first life, strengthen their children’s safety education and management, and resolutely prevent drowning and traffic
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