改进思想工作方法 稳定合同制职工队伍

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近年来,随着社会经济的快速发展,环卫事业发展日新月异,多元化的管理方式、机械设备数量和质量的提高、环卫工人作业条件的改善,无不展现环卫发展良好态势。在看到环卫发展变化的同时,一个不容忽视的问题也摆在我们眼前,环卫一线用工需求逐年增大,在环卫事业编制职工只出不进的体制下,环卫合同制队伍在不断扩大。抓好合同制职工的思想政治工作,稳定环卫作业队伍, In recent years, with the rapid socio-economic development, the rapid development of environmental sanitation, diversified management methods, the improvement of the quantity and quality of machinery and equipment and the improvement of sanitation workers’ working conditions all show a good momentum of environmental protection and development. While seeing the development and changes of sanitation, an issue that can not be neglected is also before our eyes. The demand for environmental sanitation workers has been increasing year by year. The sanitation contract team is constantly expanding under the system in which sanitation and sanitation workers can not make any allowances. Do a good job contracting workers ideological and political work, stability sanitation operations team,