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船舶检验作为水上安全链的最前端,肩负着航运安全保障的重任。但近几年来,发现个别船检工作人员不认真履行职责,违规发证。2005年,徐州、淮北两地有关船检部门违规发证便是一例。违规事件发生后,交通部海事局迅速成立事故调查处理小组,对事件展开全面调查并采取了一系列强有力的措施。苏、皖两省交通主管部门吸取教训,引以为戒,加大力度对船检机构进行了整改。本刊记者近日对相关单位进行了采访。 Ship inspection as the forefront of water safety chain, shouldering the shipping safety and security responsibilities. However, in recent years, it has been found that individual ship inspection staffs do not perform their duties conscientiously and issue certificates in violation of regulations. In 2005, Xuzhou, Huaibei, the relevant departments of ship inspection departments is a case of illegal certification. After the violation occurred, the Maritime Safety Administration of the Ministry of Communications promptly set up an accident investigation and handling team to conduct a full investigation of the incident and took a series of strong measures. Traffic administrations of Jiangsu and Anhui Provinces learned lessons from the warnings and stepped up efforts to rectify the ship inspection agencies. Our correspondents recently conducted an interview with relevant units.
目的 探讨肠源性感染致早期肺损伤的作用机理。方法 采用大鼠盲肠结扎并穿孔 (CLP)造成腹腔感染。检测肺毛细血管通透性 ,取支气管肺泡灌洗液 (BALF)进行细胞学分析 ,检测
目的:探讨强迫症(obsessive-compulsive disorder,OCD)个体错误监测功能是否存在损害.方法:将29例OCD个体与30例正常人作为研究对象,使用E-prime编制的错误监测任务进行测试.
目的 探讨在急性重症胰腺炎时通过动态监测胃粘膜下pH值 (Phi) ,从而早期发现局部组织器官缺氧情况 ,及时采取措施预防器官功能衰竭的发生。方法 对在临床观察期间收住院的
The road safety situation in the countries around the world looks very different depending on which country that is studied. Some countries such as the Netherla