百色地区过去属高疟区,自1971年在全地区开展“三根治、一预防、二灭蚊”的综合性防治措施,到1982年疟疾发病率由1971年的315.2/万下降到8.9/万,居民血检原虫率由25.2%下降到1.1%,由高疟区变为中低度疟区,灭疟工作处于后期管理阶段。近年来,个别小范围出现疟疾暴发流行。现对暴发流行的资料整理分析如下。 1979年以来先后在见屯、六浩、三寨、百吉和六食等五个村发生疟疾暴发流行,居民疟原虫血检结果见表1,百吉、六食两村牛
In the past, the Bose region belonged to a high malaria area. Since 1971, the comprehensive prevention and control measures for “three diseases, one prevention and two mosquito control” have been implemented in the entire region. By 1982, the incidence of malaria dropped from 315.2 / million in 1971 to 8.9 / 10,000 , The blood test parasite rate dropped from 25.2% to 1.1% from high malaria to low malaria, malaria elimination work in the late management stage. In recent years, some small-scale malaria outbreaks have occurred. Analysis of the outbreak of popular data is as follows. The outbreak of malaria occurred in five villages such as Tuen, Liuhao, Sanzhai, Baiji and Sixths since 1979. The results of the blood tests of malaria parasites in the population are shown in Table 1. Baichi,