河南省在宣传贯彻《传染病防治法》的过程中,是以培训、动员、宣传和落实三个步骤进行的: 一、去年8月5日,全国《传染病防治法》贯彻实施工作会议闭幕后,河南省卫生厅即于8月8日~11日在郑州召开了各市、地卫生局主管卫生防疫的局长、防疫科长、医政科长和防疫站长及省直有关部门的负责同志100余人参加的会议,并采取了以会代训的方法.培训卫生执法骨干,组织厅防疫处和卫生防疫机构的负责同志对《传染病防治法》进行了宣讲。二、会同郑州市于8月19日下午召开了“省会宣传贯彻实施《传染病防治法》动员大
In the process of propagating and implementing the “Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law”, Henan Province carried out three steps: training, mobilization, publicity, and implementation. First, on August 5 last year, the national “Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law” implementation conference was closed. Afterwards, the Henan Provincial Department of Health organized the director of the Department of Hygiene and Epidemic Prevention of the municipal health bureaus, the chief of the epidemic prevention department, the chief of the medical department, the chief of the epidemic prevention department, and the responsible comrades of the provincial departments in Zhengzhou on August 8-11. More than 100 people participated in the conference and adopted the method of training by association. The backbone of the health administration was trained. The responsible comrades of the Epidemic Prevention Office of the Organization Department and the health and anti-epidemic agencies gave lectures on the “Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law.” 2. In conjunction with Zhengzhou Municipality, on the afternoon of August 19th, the provincial capital mobilized to implement the “Infectious Diseases Prevention and Control Law”.