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世人皆知有蓬莱仙境,造园者也把“一池三山”作为山水园的主要模式,古人早有“曾在蓬壶伴众仙”的诗句。其实,传说中的蓬莱仙岛指的是现在的长岛,即长山列岛,也称庙岛群岛,八仙的故事即源于此。长岛曾隶属蓬莱,现在属山东省长岛县管辖,是我国唯一的海岛县,由散置在大海中的大小32个岛屿组成,贯穿渤海海峡,北与辽宁老铁山对峙,相距42.2公里,南端距蓬莱7公 Everyone knows that there is a fairyland in Penglai, and gardeners also regard the “one pool and three mountains” as the main mode of the landscape garden. The ancients used to have poems that “would have been in the pot with all the cents”. In fact, the legendary Penglai Xiandao refers to the present Long Island, Changshan Islands, also known as the Miaodao Islands. The story of the Eight Immortals is derived from this. Long Island was once affiliated to Penglai County and is now under the jurisdiction of Changdao County, Shandong Province. It is the only island county in China. It is composed of 32 islands that are scattered in the sea and run through the Bohai Strait. It faces the old Lao Tie Mountain in Liaoning, 42.2 km away from the south end. 7 miles from Penglai
摘要商号是一种重要的商业标识,本文从商号与商标的冲突入手,阐述了商号的重要性,然后,从外国的对于商号的保护手段对比我国商号保护立法的现状,探讨了怎样实现对我国商号的法律保护。  关键词商号 商号侵权 法律保护  作者简介:尹波兰,华东政法大学2008级法律硕士。  中图分类号:D923.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1009-0592(2011)01-113-01    商号(对于商号与企业名称是