榆树是最为经典与传统的盆景树种,树皮如刀劈斧凿,肌理斑驳苍古,树势多盘根错节,多年来,榆树以其独特的韵味一直有着众多忠实的拥趸。厦门柯成昆先生最好黄杨、真柏、黑松、榕树、罗汉松等热门盆景素材,但其收藏的这件榆树盆景却也有着非凡之姿。该作品树高120cm,石盆长1 20cm,高55cm,根基稳健硕壮又不乏虚实变化:树干肌理鲜活,皮色润泽,整体树势苍古中透着健旺气息。树冠部多干并列,或无主次尊卑之分,虽出常理之外,却也自然多姿。枝干逐节过渡,虬曲多变,可见培育功力,有力透纸背之笔力,拙朴稳健中可循此树非凡之功底。柯成昆先生专注于打造高
Elm is the most classic and traditional bonsai tree species, bark ax ax, texture mottled Cang ancient, multi-rooted tree set the wrong section, over the years, Elm has its own unique charm has many loyal fans. Xiamen Kecheng Kun best boxwood, true cypress, black pine, banyan, Podocarpus and other popular bonsai material, but the collection of this elm bonsai also has an extraordinary posture. The height of the work is 120cm, the length of the stone basin is 120cm and the height is 55cm. There is no shortage of real and powerful changes in the foundation: fresh trunk texture, skin color and moistness. Canopy crown more than parallel, or no distinction between primary and secondary hierarchy, though out of common sense, but also natural and colorful. Branches dry section by section, Qu changing, we can see nurturing skill, strong through the paperback, Zhuozhu robust in this tree can be extraordinary foundation. Mr. Ke Chengkun focus on creating high