综合性电子展往往具有行业发展风向标的功能,从新近结束的2004年第三届慕尼黑上海电子展(electronica China 2004)上我们了解到,功率电子、移动通信和显示技术将成为未来电子业追逐的热点。 “自2001年首届electronica China举办以来,我们的参展商和观众的期望值越
The comprehensive electronics show often has the function of an industry leader in the development of electronics. From the recently concluded 2004 electronica China 2004, we learned that power electronics, mobile communications and display technologies will be chased by the electronics industry in the future Hot spots. ”Since the inaugural electronica China was held in 2001, the more expectations our exhibitors and visitors expect