Patient male, 21 years old, hospital number 22570. Repeated episodes of three years, upper extremities, sometimes accompanied by lower extremity convulsions, each lasting about 5 minutes to ease themselves. Seizures when God clear. Over the past two years, eat more, sweating, temper, hand trembling. 14 days before admission and sudden limbs twitch, loss of dexterity, foaming at the mouth. The next day fever, sweating. To be diagnosed as epilepsy and check blood calcium (after the accident was not checked) and head CT. CT see bilateral basal ganglia caudate nucleus, pale ball calcification. 2 days before admission diarrhea, loose yellow loose stools, no sense of urgency after heavy. Twitching worse. Seizures were epilepsy. To “convulsions to be investigated” on December 25, 1986 emergency admission. Personal history: full-term spontaneous birth, the fifth child, 6 months after birth who had “pneumonia”, fever, convulsions. Low intelligence. No history of trauma surgery. Family history: One of her sisters has “hyperthyroidism” and other members have no similar history.