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一、在加快水产科技创新上下功夫。今后几年,我们要围绕培育区域主导产业,大力引进、改良、推广水产新品。在具体工作中,做到每确定一个项目,每制定一项政策,每采取一项措施,都要看一看是否有利于水产业的发展,是否有利于致富渔农民。要加强对阳澄湖大闸蟹、鳜鱼、 First, to speed up scientific and technological innovation in aquaculture efforts. In the next few years, we will focus on nurturing the leading industries in the region and vigorously introduce, improve and promote new aquatic products. In concrete work, every time a project is formulated and every time a policy is adopted, we must take a look at whether it is conducive to the development of the aquaculture industry and whether it will be conducive to enriching the fishing industry. To strengthen the Yangcheng Lake hairy crabs, catfish,