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在世界经济日益全球化的今天,管理沟通的重要性越来越被人们所认识。对企业而言,人们越来越强调建立学习型的企业,越来越强调团队合作精神,而在高校等事业单位同样需要提高管理的水平,有效地与部门之间沟通交流是成功的关键。对高校外部沟通而言,为了缩短与世界一流大学之间的距离,加强高校之间的强强联合和优势互补,人们需要掌握谈判与合作等沟通技巧。对高校自身而言,为了更好地在现有的政策 Today, as the world economy is increasingly globalized, the importance of managing communication is increasingly recognized. For enterprises, people place increasing emphasis on establishing learning-based enterprises and more and more emphasis on teamwork. Units like universities and colleges also need to improve their management level. Effective communication with departments is the key to success. For the external communication of colleges and universities, people need to master the communication skills such as negotiation and cooperation in order to shorten the distance from first-class universities in the world and strengthen the combination of strengths and weaknesses among universities. For the university itself, in order to better the existing policies
目的:探究结直肠癌(colorectal carcinoma,CRC)中DNA错配修复(mismatch repair,MMR)蛋白表达状态及其与临床病理特征之间的关系,并探讨MMR蛋白表达与BRAFV600E突变之间联系。方法
目的:眼压(intraocular pressure,IOP)就是眼球内部的压力,简称为眼压。它是眼内容物对眼球壁施加的均衡压力。正常人的眼压稳定在一定范围内,以维持眼球的正常形态,同时保证了屈