近日读到一条“焦裕禄塑像惹祸”的消息,心里很不是滋味。 消息说,为了在党员干部中开展警示教育,前两年,某县政府原任领导决定在政府大院修造了一座焦裕禄塑像,以使这里的公务员们每天从塑像旁路过时,都能以焦裕禄为榜样,自觉地学习他那种廉洁奉公、严于律己的无私精神。然而,天有不测风云,在塑像建好不到一年的时间里,该县就发生了两起正县级干部的遇难事件。一起是一名领导外出旅游,到大海里游泳,结果溺水而亡。另一起是一领导坐小车外出,发生车祸而丧生。这两起事件发生后,有人便开始议论:“都是焦裕禄塑像惹的祸。”更可悲的是,县里的领导居然相信了这个传说。于是下令把焦裕禄塑像移走,为的是避免再发生什么不祥之事。
Recently read an article, “Jiao Jiao plastic statue of trouble,” the news, the heart is not taste. The source said that in order to carry out the warning education among party members and cadres, the previous two years, the original leadership of a county government decided to build a statue of Jiao Lu in the compound of government buildings, so that civil servants here by-passed the statue from time to time, As an example, consciously learn from him that kind of honest, strict self-righteous selfless spirit. However, unexpected accidents have taken place in the county in the less than one year since the statue was built. Together is a leader traveling, swimming in the sea, the result drowned. The other is a leader to take the car out, a car accident and died. After these two incidents, some people began to talk about it: “All are the scourge of Jiao Jiao statue.” Even more sadly, the leaders in the county actually believed the legend. So ordered Jiao statue removed, in order to avoid any further ominous things happen.