一、从国际大环境来看 1.我国近年来综合国力不断增强,经济发展迅速,出口产品种类多、数量大,对有些国家特别是西方发达国家的贸易顺差不断加大。因此,一些国家对中国的贸易壁垒也越来越严重,我国成为众矢之的,同时也成为反倾销的主要对象。 2.近年来由于全球性的经济不景气,市场竞争加剧,各国企业都为自己的产品寻找出路,每一个国家都是既想让自己的产品打入别国市场,又想保护本国的市场,不让过多的外国产品进入,许多国家贸易保护有所抬头。特别是乌拉圭回合协议生效后,要求各国大幅度削减关税和取消进口数量限制,各国为抵
I. From an International Environment 1. In recent years, China’s comprehensive national strength has been continuously enhanced. Its economy has developed rapidly. There are many types of export products and a large number of them. As a result, the trade surplus with some countries, especially the developed western countries, has been constantly increasing. Therefore, the trade barriers to some countries in China have also become more and more serious, and our country has become the target of public criticism. At the same time, it has also become the main target of anti-dumping. 2. In recent years, due to the global economic downturn and the intensified market competition, enterprises in various countries have been finding a way out for their products. Each country wants to ensure that its products not only penetrate other countries’ markets but also protect its own markets. Do not allow too much foreign products to enter, many countries trade protection is on the rise. In particular, after the entry into force of the Uruguay Round of agreements, all countries are required to cut tariffs and cancel quantitative restrictions on imports.