在我国技术创新大背景下,围绕海南省发展战略,基于2009—2014年海南18个市县面板数据,运用SPSS19.0和GeoDa软件,通过因子分析、聚类分析和Moran’s Ⅰ指数分析研究海南省各市县技术创新能力、空间差异性、相关性。得出海南各市县技术创新能力有聚集特征,呈极化趋势,与海南省经济发展格局不同,表现出西部高于东部高于中部的特征。海南各市县技术创新能力呈现综合型、服务型、传统型和生态型创新城市四大类型。在此基础上,提出海南要实现绿色、开放、创新发展之路的相关任务和建议。
Under the background of technological innovation in our country, based on the development strategy of Hainan Province, based on the panel data of 18 cities and counties in Hainan from 2009 to 2014, SPSS19.0 and GeoDa software were used to analyze the Hainan Province by factor analysis, cluster analysis and Moran’s Ⅰ index Technical Innovation Ability, Spatial Difference and Relevance of Each City and County. It is concluded that the technological innovation capability of all cities and counties in Hainan is characterized by aggregation and polarization, which is different from the pattern of economic development in Hainan Province and shows that the western part is higher than the eastern part in the central part. Hainan cities and counties technological innovation capability presents four types of integrated, service-oriented, traditional and eco-innovation cities. On this basis, it puts forward the relevant tasks and suggestions of Hainan to realize the road of green, open and innovative development.