社旗县是河南省重点大豆生产县之一 ,每年种植面积2 0万亩 ,但由于重迎茬严重 ,影响大豆单产的提高和面积的进一步扩大。针对这一问题 ,自 1 995年 ,社旗县农技中心组织 1 0名中高级农艺师联合攻关 ,采取了定点试验与生产调查相结合的方法 ,对大豆重迎茬减产幅度 ,减产原因及减
The county is one of the major soybean producing counties in Henan Province, with an annual acreage of 20,000 hectares. However, due to severe grave replanting, the increase of soybean yield and the further expansion of the area have been affected. In response to this problem, from 1995, Social County Agricultural Technology Center organized 10 middle and high agronomists jointly tackled the problem by taking a combination of fixed-point and production surveys on the reduction of soybean yield, the reasons for the reduction and Less