Response Analysis of Tension-Based Tension Leg Platform Under Irregular Waves

来源 :China Ocean Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:snowshine1116131
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Tension Leg Platform(TLP) is a hybrid structure used as oil drilling and production facility within water depths of 1200 m. The extension of this TLP concept to deeper waters is a challenge and warrants for some innovative design concepts. In this paper, a relatively new concept of TLP which is christened as Tension-Based Tension Leg Platform(TBTLP) and patented by Srinivasan(1998) has been chosen for study. Response analysis of TLP with one tension base under irregular waves for three different sea states has been performed using hydrodynamic tool ANSYS? AQWA?. Results are reported in terms of RAOs, response spectrums for surge, heave and pitch degrees of freedom from which spectral statistics have been obtained. The statistics of TBTLP have been compared with TLPs(without tension base) for two different water depths to highlight the features of the new concept. The effect of viscous damping and loading effects on the RAOs are also investigated. Tension Leg Platform (TLP) is a hybrid structure used as oil drilling and production facility within water depths of 1200 m. The extension of this TLP concept to deeper waters is a challenge and warrants for some innovative design concepts. In this paper, a new concept of TLP which is christened as Tension-Based Tension Leg Platform (TBTLP) and patented by Srinivasan (1998) has been chosen for study. Response analysis of TLP with one tension base under irregular waves for three different sea states has been done using hydrodynamic tool ANSYS® AQWA ™. Results are reported in terms of RAOs, response spectrums for surge, heave and pitch degrees of freedom from which spectral statistics have been obtained. The statistics of TBTLP have been compared with TLPs (without tension base) for two different water depths to highlight the features of the new concept. The effect of viscous damping and loading effects on the RAOs are also investigated.
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为进一步激发营口市卫生系统广大护理工作者的积极性和创造性,提升市卫生护理队伍的职业道德水平和业务素质,不断推动市卫生事业的发展,2014年5月8日下午,营口市总工会召开纪念“5·12”護士节暨“十佳护士”表彰大会。  市领导孙恩波出席会议。  会上,市总工会授予田可等10名同志营口市“十佳护士”荣誉称号,并授予市“五一劳动奖章”。“十佳护士”代表现场发言,介绍了自己的事迹,充分展现了全市广大护理工