本文首先联系当今世界范围内高新产业的发展现状 ,从传统意义的生产力与当代高科技生产力的区别上谈了自己对“生产力”的理解。其次 ,研究分析了高科技生产力的特点 ,从高技术、高速度、高社会化、竞争激烈、人性化等五个方面进行了分析 ,最后用邓小平“科学技术是第一生产力”的著名论断作了总结 ,并指出实现中华民族的真正腾飞 ,必须发展高科技生产力。
This article first links with the development status of high-tech industries in the world today, and talks about the understanding of “productivity” from the difference between the traditional productive forces and the contemporary high-tech productive forces. Secondly, the paper analyzes and analyzes the characteristics of high-tech productivity and analyzes it from the following five aspects: high technology, high speed, high socialization, intense competition and humanization. Finally, using Deng Xiaoping’s famous theory that “science and technology are primary productive forces” Concluded that it is necessary to develop high-tech productive forces to realize the real take-off of the Chinese nation.