The experiments were conducted with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) introduced into the lower cortical retrograde tracing technique in rats to study the cortical afferent projection.The results are as follows: HRP retrogradely labeled neurons were mainly found in the lateral orbit of the prefrontal cortex Region, ventral orbital zone, cingulate gyrus in zone 3 and inferior border cortex; ipsilateral injection is mainly found in the posterior cortex of the insular cortex in the posterior cortex of the entorhinal cortex hippocampal formation of the hypothalamus and hippocampal CA1 area. There are almond hippocampus, apricot pear-shaped cortical transition zone, etc .; in the amount, top, pillow, leaf cortex new HRC labeled cells rarely seen.This article focuses on analysis of the hypothalamus and hippocampus CA1 to the lower edge of the cortex In order to confirm the fiber projection of the lower edge of the cortex in the “inner edge loop” or “Papez loop.” The lower edge of the cortex and the edge of the leaf more fibrous connection, and the neocortical contact pole less.