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沈从文,这个出生在湘西凤凰古城,身上流淌着苗、土家、汉多种民族血液的文学奇才,在经历了少年时代的痛苦后,毅然选择孑身走出湘西,去外面的世界成就一番精彩人生。他人虽是离开了湘西,但心依然停留在湘西那片神奇的土地,他将对故土的眷恋,对故乡点点滴滴的回忆都化成了一篇篇文字,形成了他 Shen Congwen, born in the ancient city of Fenghuang in western Hunan, was the literary genius of various ethnic groups such as Miao, Tujia and Han. After experiencing the pain of his youth, he decided to choose the larvae to walk out of western Hunan and make wonderful achievements in the outside world . Although others left the Western Hunan, but the heart still stay in the magical land of western Hunan, he will be nostalgic for his homeland, bit by bit memories of his hometown have turned into a text, formed his
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