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通过一系列实验,研究确定了金银花的耐盐范围,同时还提出了盐碱地栽培金银花开沟躲碱,扦插育苗移栽等技术措施。 Through a series of experiments, the salt tolerance range of honeysuckle was determined, and some technical measures such as ditch-freeing, transplanting seedling and transplanting were proposed.
Aim:To evaluate the pharmacokinetic characteristics of L-valyl-ara-C,apeptidomimetic prodrug of ara-C.Methods:After the synthesis of L-valyl-ara-C,the in vitro
Aim: The objectives of this study were to investigate the inhibitory action of telmisartan, a selective angiotensin Ⅱ type 1 receptor antagonist, on hKv1.5 and
The flow characteristics of a 2D slot jet vertically impinging on free surfaces are numerically investigated by the Large Eddy Simulation (LES) with a dynamic S
万朋商城拖欠租金事件仍悬而未解。日前,投资人韩女士再次向《经济》记者打来电话,表示万朋再次爽约,原本说好9月份解决拖欠租金的问题,但至今仍没有收到万朋方面的汇款。而给之前承诺付款的万朋财务打电话,也一直无人接听。同时,她更是透露,已有多名投资人都遭遇了同样的问题。那么,万朋到底还有多少违约事件,在隐瞒什么?还有多少不为人知的事情?《经济》记者继续深入调查万鹏违约事件。  事件持续发酵  带着这些问
Aim: To investigate the effects on human pancreatic cancer PANC-1 and SW1990 cells using a combination of lidamycin (LDM) and gemcitabine. Methods: A 3-(4,5-dim
Aim: Extract of Hominis Placenta (HP) has been used in oriental medicine as an agent for improving physiological function. The present study was conducted to in