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腐败,自人类政权产生始,已成为一种根深蒂固的社会痼疾,成为社会发展的反向因素,严重地阻碍了人类社会文明的进步。国际社会为了总结反腐经验,找出对策,分别于1995年在北京、1997年在秘鲁首都利马召开了七届、八届国际反腐大会,2003年10月,我国还加入了《国联反腐公约》,这个公约为各国反腐败对策提出了许多办法,并制定了详细的标准。反腐国际(TI)组织还对各国存在的腐败问题进行了研究分析,以寻求治腐良策。我国也非常注重保证揭露腐败分子渠道的畅通和加强惩治腐败机构的建设。不仅在各级党委设立了纪委,保证对全体党员的监督、惩治。2003年我国还出台了《中国共产党党内监督条例》、《中国共产党纪律处分条例》。自1988年以来,还在全国各地建立了揭露腐败分子的举报中心,成立了查办腐败分子的反贪污贿赂局这一专门机构,在检察机关内部拥有了近5万多人组成的反贪侦查队伍。经过艰苦的努力,我国反腐败斗争取得了有目共睹的阶段性成果,受到国际社会的普遍称赞。然而,历史的经验告诉我们,打击只能惩治已然,并不能从根本上遏制腐败的滋生和蔓延。惩防并举,标本兼治,针对腐败滋生的原因,制定有效的对策,注重综合治理,才能实现从根本上预防和治理腐败的目的,防患于未然。 Corruption, since the emergence of the human regime, has become a deeply rooted social disorder that has become the reverse factor in social development and has seriously hindered the progress of civilized human civilization. In order to sum up the anti-corruption experience and find out the countermeasures, the international community held in Beijing in 1995 and Lifah in 1997 in Peru in 1997 and the 8th International Anti-Corruption Congress respectively. In October 2003, China also acceded to the “UN Anti-Corruption Convention” This convention provides many solutions to the anti-corruption coun tries of all countries and sets detailed standards. Anti-Corruption International (TI) also conducted a study on the corruption that exists in various countries in order to seek solutions to corruption. My country also attaches great importance to guaranteeing the smooth flow of channels for exposing corrupt elements and strengthening the construction of the corrupt institutions. Party committees at all levels not only set up Commission for Discipline Inspection, to ensure supervision and punish all party members. In 2003, China also promulgated the “Regulations on Supervision within the Communist Party of China” and the “Regulations on Disciplinary Sanctions of the Communist Party of China.” Since 1988, a reporting center to expose corrupt elements has also been set up all over the country. An anti-corruption and bribery bureau to investigate and handle corrupt elements has been set up as a specialized agency with an anti-corruption team of nearly 50,000 people within the procuratorial organs . After arduous efforts, the anti-corruption struggle in our country has witnessed a phased achievement that has been widely praised by the international community. However, historical experience tells us that fighting can only be punished and that it can not fundamentally curb the breeding and spread of corruption. Punishment and prevention should be handled concurrently with both symptoms and root causes. In view of the reasons for the emergence of corruption, we must formulate effective countermeasures and pay attention to comprehensive management so as to prevent and cure corruption fundamentally and take preventive measures.
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