Since 1960s and 1970s, Japanese films have been called “cinematic movies” because of the small-scale production of large corporations. However, with the transformation of the operating mechanism of large companies and the rise of independent filmmaking, and in particular the personalization of a group of young people The emergence of small production of the movie, Japanese film again significant prosperity. Since the mid-nineties, audience attendance and box office receipts have increased. It is optimistic that by the year 2000 revenues from Japanese films and Hollywood films have risen from 30% in many years to about 50%, which means that Japanese films have come out of the cycle of Japanese love of Japanese movies. Miyazaki's “Nether Princess” box office reached 10 billion yen, more than the Hollywood blockbuster “E. T”. The old director Morita Fonguang's “Lost Paradise”, this village Changping “eel” and so on,