Too much information is now released on the market. So, how can we seize the real and reliable and operational projects? First, the principle of universality that is as comprehensive as possible when collecting information, not only to collect information directly reflect the market trading activities, but also to collect information on market supply and demand Second, Accuracy principle that is to collect information to accurately and accurately reflect the true colors of things to avoid misunderstanding misleading, resulting in policy mistakes. Can consult the relevant departments, the media; also have to ask for proof of information, product description. Third, the principle of targeted collection of information that is more targeted, closely around the business needs to collect information, save the time and cost of collecting information. Fourth, the principle of timeliness That information is collected quickly, there is a strong concept of time. Because the information reflecting changes in the market is often fleeting, seizing the information in time can not miss out on opportunities and hopefully win the competition. Secondly, the information collected should be analyzed, including information identification, screening, synthesis, analysis, deduction and other work, from all kinds of information to grasp the trend of market changes. The main contents are: 1. Information Discrimination refers to the collection of information to go pseudo-true. Generally available from different channels with the same