弱电解质的电离度随其浓度的减小而增大,它的导电能力却是随其浓度的减小首先增强,并达到一个峰值,然后逐渐减弱。为了用实验的方法把弱电解质的导电能力随浓度改变的上述规律演示出来,我们利用溢杯做了一套弱电解质导电能力的实验装置。经多年教学使用,收到了很好的教学效果,装置如附图所示。实验用直流电,电压为12 V,通过长颈漏斗向溢杯中加入冰醋酸至浸没电极为止,当接通电源时小灯泡不亮。然后通过漏斗向溢杯中加入蒸馏水,随着蒸馏水的加入,小灯泡由不亮到亮,灯光逐渐增强,直至最亮,再逐渐变暗,直至熄灭。
The ionization degree of weak electrolyte increases with the decrease of its concentration. However, the conductivity of weak electrolyte first increases with the decrease of its concentration and reaches a peak, then decreases gradually. In order to experimentally demonstrate the weakness of the conductivity of weak electrolyte with the concentration of the above rules, we use the cup to make a weak electrolyte conductivity of the experimental device. After years of teaching and use, received a good teaching effect, the device shown in the attached figure. Experimental DC, voltage 12 V, adding glacial acetic acid to the overflow cup through a long-necked funnel until the immersion electrode so far, when the power is turned on the small bulb does not light. Then add distilled water through the funnel to the cup, with the addition of distilled water, the small light bulb from light to light, the light gradually increased until the brightest, and then gradually dim until extinguished.