过去的一年,中国陆上石油开发喜讯频传。在新的一年里,他们有什么新举措。带着这个问题,记者走访了中国石油天然气总公司总经理王涛。 在石油战线倥偬半生的王总兼有知识分子的睿智和企业家的果断。他告诉记者,中国石油天然气总公司是中国石油工业三大公司之一,主管中国陆地全境和水深0-5米极浅海内的石油和天然气的勘探与开发。去年全年陆上生产原油1.39亿吨,天然气154.9亿立方米,分别比上年增长121万吨和3.8亿立方
In the past year, the development of China’s onshore oil was enjoying good news. In the new year, what are their new initiatives. With this issue, the reporter visited Wang Tao, general manager of China National Petroleum Corporation. Wang Zhisheng, who spent half a dozen times on the oil front, has both the wisdom of the intellectuals and the entrepreneurial decisiveness. He told reporters that China National Petroleum Corporation is one of the three major Chinese petroleum companies that oversee the exploration and development of oil and natural gas throughout China’s land areas and at a depth of 0-5 meters. Last year, 139 million tons of land-based crude oil and 15.49 billion cubic meters of natural gas were produced on land, an increase of 1.21 million tons and 380 million cubic meters respectively over the previous year