
来源 :中共石家庄市委党校学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ssskkkmmm77
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1.对“三个代表”的科学内涵进行了新阐发,特别是从党的理论、路线、纲领和各项工作的高度出发的。这是迄今为止对“三个代表”内涵所作的最集中、最系统、最丰富的一次概括和论述。 2.对推动我国生产力发展的力量和党代表先进生产力发展要求必须履行的第一要务和重要职责作了新概括。“讲话”指出:“包括知识分子在内的我国工人阶级,是推动我国先进生产力发展的基本力量”。农民阶级和其他劳动群众是“重要力量”,不断提高他们以及全体人民的素质、能力,发挥他们的主动性创造性,始终是我们党代表中国先进生产力发展要求必须履行的第一要务。 3.提出了对待落后生产方式的辩证态度。“讲话”指出,既不能一概排斥,也不能安于现状、保护落后,而要立足实际,创造条件地加以改造、改进和提高,通过长期努力,逐步使它们向先进适用的生产方式转变。 1. Newly interpreted the scientific connotation of the “Three Represents”, especially from the perspective of the party’s theory, lines, programs and work. This is the most concentrated, systematic and informative summary and exposition to date on the connotation of the “three represents.” 2. A new summary of the primary tasks and important responsibilities that must be fulfilled to promote the development of the productive forces in our country and the requirements for the development of advanced productive forces demanded by the party representatives. “Speech” pointed out: “The working class of our country, including intellectuals, is the basic force for promoting the development of our advanced productive forces.” The peasantry and other working masses are “important forces”. Continuously improving their qualities and capabilities as well as all their people and giving play to their initiative and creativity have always been the number one priority that our party must fulfill on behalf of the requirements of China’s advanced productive forces. 3. Put forward the dialectical attitude towards the backward production mode. The “speech” pointed out that neither the rejection nor the status quo can be taken to protect the backwardness. Instead, it should be reformed, improved and enhanced on the basis of actual conditions and conditions, and gradually transformed them into advanced and applicable modes of production through long-term efforts.
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