例1朱新海、男、59岁;于1989年7月27日上午生气后觉右上肢麻木,即而右下肢亦有麻木感,吃午饭时掉筷子,但可以行走。于当地诊断不详,服用中药后病情略有好转,仍有麻木感。病后1个月来我科诊治。查体:T36.5℃,P 80次,R18次,BP 21.3/12.0kPa,神清,双眼底A:V=1:3,乳头界限清,余颅神经未见异常征象。右侧上、下肢肌力4级,肌张力正常,未引出病理反射,右侧偏身痛觉减退,关节位置觉、音叉震动觉正常,复合感觉正常,实验室检查:血常规、肝功、总胆固醇、甘油三脂,血清
Example 1 Zhu Xinhai, male, 59 years old; On the morning of July 27, 1989, he felt numbness in his right upper extremity after he became angry. He also felt numbness in the right lower extremity. He dropped chopsticks while eating lunch but was able to walk. In the local diagnosis is unknown, after taking a slight improvement in Chinese medicine, there is still a sense of numbness. 1 month after illness, our department diagnosis and treatment. Examination: T36.5 ℃, P80 times, R18 times, BP 21.3 / 12.0kPa, Shen Qing, both eyes A: V = 1: 3, nipple boundaries clear, no abnormal signs of the cranial nerves. On the right side, the lower limb muscle strength 4, normal muscle tone, did not lead to pathological reflex, the right side of partial body pain decreased, joint position feel, tuning fork vibration normal, compound feeling normal, laboratory tests: blood, liver function, total Cholesterol, triglycerides, serum