Monte Carlo transport simulations of a full-core reactor with a high-fidelity structure have been made possible by modern-day computing capabilities.Performing
Single-event effects(SEEs)induced by mediumenergy protons in a 28 nm system-on-chip(SoC)were investigated at the China Institute of Atomic Energy.An on-chip mem
Water molecules could form a liquid droplet on the water monolayer on a specific solid surface,which has been referred to as''ordered water monolayer th
With respect to the gamma spectrum, the energy resolution improves with increase in energy. The counts of full energy peak change with energy, and this approxim
In order to comply with discharge standards, a gas–solid separator is used to remove solid particles from the thorium molten salt reactor-solid fuel (TMSR-SF)
A digital transfer function measurement system has been embedded in the low-level radio frequency (LLRF) system of the storage ring of the Shanghai Synchrotron