
来源 :林业研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:logepark
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研究了不同类型的污泥(城市的、工业的和住宅污泥)对苗圃生长的银合欢幼苗田间萌发、生长和分枝的影响.播种前先将不同类型污泥的混合物与养分匮乏的自然林土壤混合.播种的3和6月后,记录幼苗大田发芽、分枝状况和其他物理生长参数(枝条或根长、活力指数、茎直径、叶片数、分枝或根鲜重和干重、总的生物量干重增长)等.与对照幼苗相比,混合污泥的土壤中生长的幼苗田间发芽、分枝状况及其他生长参数均发生了显著变化.与其它条件生长的幼苗相比,住宅污泥与土壤混合(1:1)条件生长的3月龄和6月龄幼苗分枝数和分枝鲜或干重均最高.就生长参数而言,住宅污泥与自然林土壤混合(1:1)生长的幼苗长势最好.研究表明:退化的土壤补偿以住宅污泥可促进银合欢的田间发芽、生长以及分枝的形成.图1表3参29.“,”A study was carried out to determine the influence of different types of sludges (municipal, industrial and residential) on field germination, growth and nodulation of L. leucocephala seedlings in the nursery. Before sowing of seeds, different combinations of sludges were incorporated with the nutrient deficient natural forest soils. Field germination, nodulation status and physical growth parameters of seedlings (shoot and root length, vigor index, collar diameter, leaf number, fresh and dry weight of shoot and root and total dry biomass increment) were recorded after three and six months of seed sowing. Field germination, nodulation status and growth parameters were varied significantly in the soil amended with sludges in comparison to control. The highest number of nodule was recorded from soil amended with residential sludge (1:1) and highest fresh and dry nodule weight was also found from the same combination in both three and six month old seedlings. In case of growth parameters, the highest growth was recorded from soil and residential sludge (1:1) combination compared to control. From the study, it can be recommended that soil amended with residential sludge (1:1) provide better field germination, growth and nodule formation of L. leucocephala in degraded soil.
一、分析现状,揭示问题  师:今天我们上一节作文课,首先让我们活动一下大脑。你能猜出这3组数字间有何种关系吗?
A study was conducted to investigate the effects of compatibilizers, including Maleic anhydride grafted polypropylene (MA-PP) and maleic anhydride grafted ethyl
在养生保健方面,一些小工具就能帮上大忙,其操作简单、功效明显,尤其适合上了年纪的人。  手掌健身球、核桃。北京老年医学研究所原所长高芳玺说,手掌和脚底一样,也有人体器官反射区,一只手就有70多个病理反射区和治疗穴位。手掌健身球通过挤压、摩擦,充分调动所有手部骨骼、关节,刺激按摩手部穴位相关的病理反射点,舒筋活络、强身健体。玩核桃也具有同样的作用,其凹凸的表面有助于按摩保健。  木梳。头被称为“诸阳