Peyronie’s病是以累及阴茎背侧白膜的局限性纤维斑块为特征的一种疾病,亦称阴茎硬结症、纤维性海绵体炎、海绵体纤维化、阴茎纤维织炎等.该病由法国De La Peyronie 在1743年首先描述.其临床表现除局部硬性斑块外,可伴有阴茎疼痛、勃起痛、阴茎向硬结侧弯曲,严重者常有性交困难或阳萎.本文就近年来对其病因、病理和治疗的一些研究进展综述如下.
Peyronie’s disease is a disease characterized by localized fibrous plaques involving the white lining of the dorsal penis, also known as penile sclerosis, fibrosal spongiformis, cavernous fibrosis, penile fibroids, etc. The disease is reported by France De La Peyronie first described in 1743. Its clinical manifestations in addition to the local hard plaque, may be associated with penile pain, erection, penile curvature to the induration side, often have difficulty in sexual intercourse or impotence in this paper in recent years its etiology The progress of some studies on pathology and treatment are summarized as follows.